A Mindful Day of Giving Thanks


As Thanksgiving approaches quickly, I am excited to share some tips to help ensure a mindful day of gratitude and wellbeing. Unfortunately, much of the rhetoric around the holidays encourages us to focus on the feasting (and boozing) while simultaneously throwing out tips on avoiding holiday weight gain. When we remember what these occasions are really about- coming together with friends and family and creating an occasion for some expressing some extra gratitude for the abundance in our lives- we shift away from a food and overindulgence-focused occasion to one of BALANCE, MINDFULNESS, CONNECTION, SELF-CARE AND GRATITUDE. 

BALANCE Going into Thanksgiving dinner (or lunch) with the assumption that we will be painfully full and lethargic after the meal sets us up for that experience. However, approaching this meal as if it was any other balanced meal can replace the "overindulgence" mindset. We can eat whatever we want- the permission is there. But we CHOOSE to balance our plate with just enough to satisfy so that we honor our bodies' wisdom and set ourselves up for an evening of feel-good times with family and friends. Remember, there are always leftovers!

One tip that I have found particularly useful is to make sure leading up the the main event, I am eating normal-sized, nutrient-dense meals. Rather than "saving room for later" and reducing the amount we eat in the days or hours leading up to the main event, ensuring that our bodies are getting the regular nourishment they need deters an all-out binge and the dreaded feeling of wishing we had waaaaaay stretchier pants. 

MINDFULNESS This meal, with an abundance of delicious food prepared with love, is the perfect time to eat mindfully and enjoy each bite fully. Really take this special day to notice the smells, the textures and the subtle flavors of the food, savoring each bite and chewing mindfully and slowly (not only does thorough chewing assist in digestion, it also helps us slow down and stay mindful of our levels of hunger and fullness). Express gratitude for what went into getting this meal to your table- the sun, nutrients and earth that created the food, the farmers that worked to produce the food, the transportation that allowed the food to arrive in front of you, and the people who cooked the food for you to enjoy.

If you are the one cooking, mindfully preparing this meal as a form of meditation transforms from a chore into a full-sensory experience. Mindfully cleaning as a form of meditation is another way to take a break from busy thoughts and really tune into the sounds, sensations and movements in your body.

Not only do we mindfully consume each bite of our meal, but during the meal we are present to the conversation and presence of those around us. Really listen to the conversation and fully hear what each person has to say. 

CONNECTION Connection with friends and family is what this day is really about. Make an effort to strike up a conversation with a person you don't speak with often. Approach each conversation with curiosity and an openness that there is always something new to learn or interesting to hear from the our family or the family of our loved ones. Offering to help is another beautiful way to foster connection.

SELF-CARE With all the activities happening around this time it can feel easy to abandon self-care practices that keep us grounded and well. Staying well-hydrated is a crucial one that can easily slip by the wayside. Make sure to drink water consistently, especially if consuming alcohol, to feel your best. I like to bring my Hydroflask water bottle with me while traveling to always have filtered water handy.

If leaving town for the holiday, bring along some special items to make your trip feel like a luxurious escape. I like to bring lavender essential oils and en eye pillow to help me sleep, a jar of Epsom salts for a luxurious bath, my favorite tea, healthy snacks such as raw nuts and seeds and almond butter, my natural-bristle brush for dry-brushing and my favorite oil or lotion to massage into my skin before bed.

GRATITUDE Of course this particular day is all about gratitude. We remember to love and give thanks for the people in our lives, for the opportunity to gather and enjoy quality time and nourishing food, and for all the blessings of abundance and love all around. Write a gratitude list and invite others in your family to do so as well. Take a moment to share these lists during your meal and remember what this season is really about.