Simply Stellar, Volume 3.


The practice of taking inventory of all things that are good. What a stellar week it was. 

1. Establishing a morning ritual. Though it's always been natural for me to be an early riser, making the most of the three hours between waking up at five AM and starting my day job at eight AM has proved to be more of a challenge. I tend to make breakfast, hang out, surf the internet, do some work, get distracted, hang out some more, and then realize it's 7:45 and rush to get ready and jet to work. This usually sets the tone for a day of distraction and playing catch up. My aim is to establish the pace of calm, collection, gratitude and goal-orientation to keep on myself on track and in-vibration towards my goals.

This week I crafted (and wrote down) a ritual that I will be testing over the next couple of weeks to align this sacred time with what I am manifesting. I have found that creating a block schedule, rather than just trying to remember all the things I want to accomplish, helps me to stay focused enough to do them for the appropriate amount of time, and in an order that makes sense. My first attempt at establishing a ritual includes gratitude lists, meditation, journaling, focused work on my blog and business, a nourishing meal, connecting with my partner, yoga, self-care, and mindful attention to the fresh energy of the morning hours. It's been a week of this practice so far, and i'll just say- I've never felt more aligned-and productive. More on this to come. 

2. Kitchari. What I have been eating all week long after picking up all the necessary supplies at my favorite natural grocer, Rollin' Oats. Their bulk section is my "obscure and thrifty foodie" heaven. Kitchari means "mixture" and is supremely nourishing, grounding and detoxifying. This Ayurvedic staple is full of warming spices and has a highly-digestible texture. It feels perfect for a mini-cleanse and to mark this week of establishing new rituals.

3. Neurogenesis.  Neuroplasticity is the amazing way our brains change in response to new experiences and environments throughout our lives. Research has also confirmed new brain cells are also continually being born in a process called neurogenesis. One exciting way neurogenesis activity has found to be increased is through exercise. This book details the way in which exercise stimulates the growth of new neurons in the parts of your brain that control memory, motor function and executive function. Not only does exercise help your brain release the chemicals that lead to a feel good "high", but can also contribute to a brain that is happier, more agile, sharper, and less stressed. As if you needed another excuse to get moving, right? *wink wink nudge nudge*

4. Social Media Addiction. This has been coming up a lot with my clients (and myself) lately. And it's no surprise- endless scrolling and the feeling of a new notification are extremely addictive to our brains. The reward center in the brain that lights up when a notification is received is the same one that lights up when a smoker gets a nicotine fix-seriously! And for those who just feel bad when they look at their feeds- sorry to break it to you, but you actually may be addicted to that feeling too. 

So the biggest question posed to me has been, "How can I stop?" My answer in a nutshell: the neurons that currently fire when there are feelings of boredom or uncoccupied time are currently wired to crave that instant stimulation of whatever platform or app is most accessible and juicy at the time. Breaking the habit takes replacing that compulsion to look at the go-to social media platform with something else, as to create a new neural pathway. My suggestions for when the itch strikes? Do something that will help your brain grow and get better rather default to the mindless scrolling-something mindFUL- write a manifestation or gratitude list, have a book on hand to read until the urge subsides, play sudoku or a crossword, take a moment to meditate and center, observe the world (and the zombie people glued to their phones) around you, do some yoga stretches and twists, breathe deeply and remind yourself how cool it to be alive on this planet. A social media "detox" can do wonders for those cravings as well. I will be writing more on this as it seems to be a major source of concern in the collective consciousness at the moment-stay tuned. 

5. Seed cycling and infusions for hormonal balance.

6. Fourth and Heart Himalayan Sea Salt Ghee.  For a year now I have been a devoted subscriber of this gorgeous, smooth and richly flavored ghee butter. I use it for everything and I've gotten my boyfriend hooked too! It's made from grass-fed butter but it is actually dairy, casein, and lactose free. I use the Madagascar Vanilla Bean flavor to create a lactose-free version of "bulletproof coffee".