Cyclical Living: Spring Notes

In the spirit of living in harmony with the seasons, I have curated a guide for the activities, energies, tastes, smells, remedies and self-care practices that encompass the creativity, rebirth and vibrance of Spring.

Living in sync with the cycles of the seasons is a potent way to tap into the energies of nature that can guide flourishing in our lives. Because our modern culture is often disconnected from nature and the cycles of the Earth, simply bringing awareness to the beauty and intentionality of these seasonal shifts is a simple way to re-cultivate this sacred connection. Participating in the celebration of each new season may impart a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beautiful planet we live on! Living cyclically also has positive implications for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

From personal life, to work, to health, to leisure, Spring is a time for shedding the layers of Winter. It's a time for planting new seeds, setting inspired goals for the year ahead, flowing with the energy of creativity. It calls us to engage with the abundance of physical energy we feel, and celebrate the vibrant colors, longer days, warmer air and overall sense of renewal.


In this part of the year, we have an increasing abundance of energy due to longer days, warmer temperatures and a natural inclination to move our bodies. This is a great time to:

GET OUTDOORS Take up an outdoor fitness practice such as hiking, walking, biking, group exercise classes...anything that gets you out into the fresh air!

CONSISTENCY Plan a consistent movement time each day. Whether morning, afternoon or evening, create a ritual that gets your body moving, daily.

GARDEN Plant a garden! This simple pleasure gets you outside and can be quite physical. It also imparts a sense of stewardship for the blossoming of new life. If this isn't possible where you live, try transplanting some new house plant cuttings indoors to nurture or find a community garden near you.

FRIENDS Move with friends! Springtime often fuels an increased desire to be social. Try out a new exercise class with a friend, go on a hike or nature walk, or create a new group fitness or yoga routine in the park.

NOVELTY Move in a new way! Re-define your paradigm of "exercise". Try something fun, that maybe you always wanted to try, and be open to new experiences of movement.


Our bodies understand the shifting of the seasons and often crave lighter, fresher, more colorful foods during the Springtime. They sense that it is time to shed a layer, physically and emotionally, and may naturally direct you to making food choices to facilitate this! Springtime is also seen as a time for cleansing. This can mean salads, raw foods, light soups, juices, smoothies, Buddha bowls, and meals packed with fresh vegetables, herbs, light grains, lean proteins, plenty of greens and an abundance of fresh water.


LETTUCES Bibb, romaine, butter, mesclun, arugula.

VEGETABLES Onion, carrots, snap peas, asparagus, garlic, fennel, radish, broccoli, avocado, leek, spinach, cauliflower, cucumber, zucchini, mushrooms.

FRESH HERBS Dill, basil, mint, tarragon, lemon balm, chives, rosemary, thyme.

FRUITS Lemon, mandarin, mango, orange, papaya, strawberry, grapefruit, cherry, watermelon.

GRAINS quinoa, amaranth, couscous, farro, barley.

RECIPE I can't get enough of this Spring soup recipe.


PLANT NEW SEEDS This time of year is perfect for "planting new seeds" for a business project or idea, new friendships and relationships, new routines, rituals and self-care practices, and anything in your life that is calling for a fresh start. We feel creative and inspired by the energy of Spring, and channeling this into hobbies, work and relationships feels natural and easy.

TRY SOMETHING NEW Bring a bit of novelty into your work, your routine, your leisure! This is a powerful time to implement new habits, rituals and intentions that bring you into more intimate alignment with the life you are creating. Maybe it's finally time to truly begin that meditation practice you've been mulling over? *hint hint* ;) Or simply visit a new park, museum or bookstore, or take a class such as ceramics, herbalism, or an intersting workshop. Expand your horizons!

BALANCE The equal length of the days and nights represents finding a sense of balance and equilibrium in our lives. This might mean a work/life balance, a seriousness/playfulness balance, a masculine energy/feminine energy balance, or simply balance in your diet, relationships and daily schedule. Journal about what "living a  balanced life" would look and feel like for you right now. Pick one or two ways in which you could implement the balance you envision into your daily life this season through new habits, rituals, behaviors and beleifs.

BECOME Spring propels new action. It can feel like a rejoicing, a new hope, gratitude, joy, and fertility for new ideas and creative ventures. Journal about your journey from "being" to "becoming"- from the experience of existing where you now, to evolving into what is next. What new adventures, growth, possibilities, opportunities and successes are on your horizon? Now is the perfect time to look forward to all that is evolving as you are growing in your life.

CREATE Tap into your unique creative force. Make art, write, sing, dance, inspire, be inspired. Creativity is the natural force of the universe and is especially potent during this time at the Earth creates a re-birth of new life.


Herbal remedies, essential oils and self-care practices to complement the bright, vibrant energy of Springtime.


CALENDULA A bright, sunny flower with beautiful energy. Can be made into a healing salve or oil, such as the one here, and can even be added to salads!.

NETTLES A natural allergy remedy and tonic for nails, hair and skin. Brew as a tea or infusion, and serve with raw honey over ice.

GINGER  Fires up digestion and aids in cleansing of the digestive system. Add to smoothies, juices and cooked foods.

DANDELION LEAF AND ROOT Supports the liver, kidneys and digestive system and is a natural diuretic.

TRIPHALA Supports clearing of digestive tract and aids in detoxification.


LEMONGRASS an energizing, uplifting scent and a natural bug repellent for outdoor adventures.

EUCALYPTUS a natural allergy remedy and energizing addition to showers and diffusers.

GRAPEFRUIT adds a bright flavor to smoothies and drinks, supports energy levels and metabolism, promotes mental focus, uplifts mood, promotes feelings of vitality.

YLANG YLANG Calming and uplifting, massage into scalp for healthy hair after sun exposure, promotes optimism and a positive perspective.

PEPPERMINT Energizing and cooling. Add two drops to palms, rub together, and inhale for an instant energy boost. Rub onto neck and shoulders (spot test for sensitivity first) for a tingly, cooling sensation after outdoor adventures.

SWEET ORANGE Anti-depressant, purifying for air, home surfaces and body, add to smoothies, juices, beverages and foods for a citrusy flavor, uplifting and energizing.


EXFOLIATE Slough away the dullness of winter skin with gently daily exfoliation. I love this exfoliating soap and this DIY moisturizing scrub.

STIMULATE LYMPH During the winter months, lymph fluid tends to stagnate due to less physical activity. Get this natural detox mechanism moving through dry brushing, rebounding (jumping on a trampoline!), mindful movement and a daily self-massage.

SUN EXPOSURE Spend at least 20 minutes outside each day and try to get some sun on your skin! This increases the production of Vitamin D, increases energy, heightens feeling of wellbeing and regulates circadian rhythms. 

GO NATURAL What parts of your self-care and beauty routine can benefit from a switch to a natural product? Where can you minimize to let your natural beauty shine?

Spring is a beautiful time to begin truly taking action on the vision you have for your body, your health and your life. For personalized, one-on-one support for creating new habits that stick, achieving your health goals, and engaging in your own personal health and life transformation, let's talk!